House is a sound and video installation created in collaboration with artist John Neeson. This project was conceived through our conversations about how we rarely notice the way that changes in light and sound can affect our perceptions of spaces and objects over time. This piece combines sound and video to comment on the ephemeral yet concrete nature of domestic environments. By taking into account the natural gradations of light, as well as the sonic elements of the space, this piece forms a dynamic environment around fixed objects. The sound is created by broadcasting sine tones tuned to the resonant frequencies of the gallery space and feeding them back into Max/MSP to create a constantly evolving, generative sound environment. The video component consists of video of a fixed object that is shot over the duration of 24 hours, capturing the changes in light reflecting off the object. House was first installed at Point B in Brooklyn in November of 2013, and subsequently installed at The Gallery at Avalon Island in Orlando.